James Bay and Northern Quebec Native Claims Settlement Act
S.C. 1976-77, c. 32
[Assented to 1977-07-14]
An Act to approve, give effect to and declare valid certain agreements between the Grand Council of the Crees (of Quebec), the Northern Quebec Inuit Association, the Government of Quebec, la Société d’énergie de la Baie James, la Société de développement de la Baie James, la Commission hydro-électrique de Québec and the Government of Canada and certain other related agreements to which the Government of Canada is a party
WHEREAS the Government of Canada and the Government of Quebec have entered into an Agreement with the Crees and the Inuit inhabiting the Territory within the purview of the 1898 acts respecting the Northwestern, Northern and Northeastern Boundaries of the Province of Quebec and 1912 Quebec Boundaries extension acts, and with the Inuit of Port Burwell;
AND WHEREAS the Government of Canada and the Government of Quebec have assumed certain obligations under the Agreement in favour of the said Crees and Inuit;
AND WHEREAS the Agreement provides, inter alia, for the grant to or the setting aside for Crees and Inuit of certain lands in the Territory, the right of the Crees and Inuit to hunt, fish and trap in accordance with the regime established therein, the establishment in the Territory of regional and local governments to ensure the full and active participation of the Crees and Inuit in the administration of the Territory, measures to safeguard and protect their culture and to ensure their involvement in the promotion and development of their culture, the establishment of laws, regulations and procedures to manage and protect the environment in the Territory, remedial and other measures respecting hydro-electric development in the Territory, the creation and continuance of institutions and programs to promote the economic and social development of the Crees and Inuit and to encourage their full participation in society, an income support program for Cree and Inuit hunters, fishermen and trappers and the payment to the Crees and Inuit of certain monetary compensation;
AND WHEREAS the Agreement further provides in consideration of the rights and benefits set forth therein for the surrender by the said Crees, the Inuit of Quebec and the Inuit of Port Burwell of all their native claims, rights, titles and interests, whatever they may be, in and to the land in the Territory and in Quebec;
AND WHEREAS Parliament and the Government of Canada recognize and affirm a special responsibility for the said Crees and Inuit;
AND WHEREAS it is expedient that Parliament approve, give effect to and declare valid the Agreement;
NOW, THEREFORE, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows: