DOCUMENTS - Mythological Stories - The Snow and Rain (Blackfoot)

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Dec 14, 1910

The Snow and Rain,


Narrated                                              III(c) a myth.

By Three Bears,


Once upon a time, the Snow And the Rain, were people, and the Snow people, lived far in the North. And the Rain people, lived near the mountains, in the West. No this know people, used white earth paint while the Rain people, used the black paint. Now the Rain people, one day were all traveling East and the Snow people, attacked them from the North. And a great number of people were killed on both sides but there's no people got much the best of the fight for they froze a lot of the Rain people, some of the Rain people got into springs of water and hid in these springs with only Their mouths and noses sticking out of the water, one of the winter , of the Rain people that was killed, was found by an old woman, now this old woman noticed the dead woman’s bellie o’ moving, and she took out her knife and cut the dead woman’s bellie open and took out a baby boy, for this dead woman was heavey with child. The old woman, raised the child, and when the boy became a man, the young man begain to think that the old woman, was not his mother, on account of her old age. Now the young man asked the old woman if she was his real mother, and the old woman said no, and explained how his mother had been killed by the Snow people and how she came to find him. Now when the young man heard of this, it made him very angry towards the snow people and he wish to get a revenge on the snow people. Now the young man, went out by him self, and sleep for many day and nights in the hills, untill he had a dream, through which he secured some power. Now this was in the winter and while the young was going along, a very cold snow storm came on him. Now the young man took some water in his mouth and spated the water up in the air, and it turned the snow storm into a rain storm. Now it rain very hard and thawed nearly all the snow drifts, an killed many of the snow people, thus the man gained revenge on the snow people.



Now it is even so now days, some times in the middle of the winter it rains and that is the reason the springs do not freeze in the winter, and some times you will notice the walls of these springs a steaming it is so, because when the rain people were hiding in them their beaths were showing. Now the Ravens use to be white, instead of black, and belong to the winter people. And the Thunder bird and rain birds, belong to the summer and rain people.


D. O. Duvall

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