1727 Ratification at Casco Bay of the Treaty of 1725
By the Parties to these Articles
The following Article is unanimously and reciprocally agreed upon for the more effectual Preservation of the Peace That if any Hostility shall be committed or offer'd to be committed by any Indians on any of the English Subjects the Tribes who have enter'd into and ratified the Treaty Shall furnish and supply fifty Indians with a Captain of their own and the English two hundred an fifty and so in proportion a greater or lesser number as the occasion shall require. The Forces to be paid and subsisted by the English and under the Conduct of such a General Officer as the English Governor may Judge proper to pursue such refractory Indians either by Sea or Land and compell them to live peaceably and Quietly with their Neighbours and if any other Tribes of Indians shall make Warr upon any of the Tribes now enter'd into Peace in such a Case the English shall assist them at their own Cost and Charge with the like Proportion of Men as may be Necessary. __________
Done at the Conference at Casco Bay this twenty fifth Day of July in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King George. Annoque Domini 1727.
In Presence of Natt Paine Thom Berry John Quincey Saml. Willard Joseph White Steph. Eastwick John Alden Amos Turner Ed. Shove Johnson Harman Jeremiah Moulton Richard Bourn Steph Minott Job Lewis Thom Smith Joseph Heath Henry Philipps John Fitch Cypman Jeffry John Giles James Jordan Joesph Bane Peter Weare |
Transcript published in Nathaniel Bouton, compiler and editor, Provincial papers, documents and records, relating to the Province of New Hampshire, from 1722-1737 (New Hampshire Historical Society, Vol. 4, 1870)
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