Ajetance Treaty No. 19
ARTICLES OF PROVISIONAL AGREEMENT entered into on Wednesday, the twenty eighth day of October, 1818, between the Honorable William Claus, Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs on behalf of His Majesty, of the one part, and Adjutant, Chief of the Eagle Tribe, Weggishigomin of the Eagle Tribe, Kawwahkitahqubi of the Otter Tribe, Cabibonike of the Otter Tribe, and Pagitaniquatoibe of the Otter Tribe, Principal Men of the Mississague Nation of Indians inhabiting the River Credit, Twelve and Sixteen Mile Creeks, on the north shore of Lake Ontario, within the home District, of the other part, Witnesseth: that for and in consideration of the yearly sum of five hundred and twenty-two pounds ten shillings Province currency in goods at the Montreal price to be well and truly paid yearly and every year by His said Majesty to the said Mississague Nation inhabiting and claiming the said tract, which may be otherwise known as follows: "A tract of land in the Home District, called the Mississague tract," bounded southerly by the purchase made in 1806; on the east by the Townships of Etobicoke, Vaughan and King; on the south-west by the Indian purchase, extending from the outlet at Burlington Bay, north forty-five degrees west fifty-miles, and from thence north seventy-four degrees east or thereabout to the north-west angle of the Township of King, containing by computation six hundred and forty-eight thousand acres; and the said Adjutant, Weggishigomin, Cabibonikem, Pagitaniquatoibe and Kawahkitahquebi, as well for themselves as for he Mississague Nation inhabiting and claiming the said tract of land as above described, do freely, fully and voluntarily surrender and convey the same to His Majesty without reservation or limitation in perpetuity. And the said William Claus, on behalf of His Majesty does hereby, promise and agree to pay to the said Nation of Indians inhabiting as above mentioned, yearly and every year for ever the said sum of five hundred and twenty two pounds then shillings currency in goods at the Montreal price, which sum the said Principal Chiefs and people, parties hereunto, acknowledge as a full consideration for the lands hereby sold and conveyed to His Majesty.
IN WITNESS WHEROF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals on the day first above mentioned in the Township of Toronto.
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of }
J. GIVINS, Supt. Indian Affairs,
WM. HANDS, JR., Clerk Indian Dept.,
WM. GRUET, Intr. Indian Dept.
W. CLAUS, D.S.G., on behalf of the Crown, [L.S.]
ADJUTANT, (totem) [L.S.]
WEGGISHGOMIN, (totem) [L.S.]
CABIBONIKE, (totem) [L.S.]