DOCUMENTS - Treaties - Between the Lakes Purchase and Collins Purchase, No. 3

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Between the Lakes Purchase and Collins Purchase, No. 3

THIS INDENTURE made at Navy Hall in the County of Lincoln, in the Province of Upper Canada on the seventh day of December in the year of Our Lord one thousand and seven hundred and ninety-two, between Wabakanyne, Wabanip, Kautabus, Wabaninshop and Nattoton, on the one part, and Our Sovereign Lord George the Third, by Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King of Defender of the Faith, &c., &c., on the other part.
Whereas, by a certain indenture hearing date the twenty-second day of May, in the year Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-four, and made between Wavakanyne, Nannibosure, Pokquawr, Nanaughkawestrawr, Peapamaw, Tabendau, Sawainchik, Peasanish, Wapamanischigun, Wapeanojhqua, Sachems and War Chiefs and Principal Women of the Messisague Indian Nation on the one part, and Our said Sovereign Lord George the Third, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, &c., &c., the other part.
It was witnessed that the said Wabakanyne and the said Principal Chiefs and Women above named for and in consideration of the sum of eleven hundred and eighty pounds, seven shillings and fourpence of lawful money of Great Britain, to them the said Wabakanyne, Sachems, War Chiefs and Principle Women in hand well and truly paid did grant, bargain, sell, alien, release and confirm until His said Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, all that tract or parcel of land lying and being between the Lakes Ontario and Erie, beginning at Lake Ontario four miles south westerly from the point opposite to Niagara fort, known by the name of Messisague Point, and running from thence along the said lake to the creek that flows from a small lake into the said Lake Ontario known by the name of Washquarter; from thence a north westerly course until it strikes the River La Tranche or New River; thence down the stream of the said river to the part or place where a due south course will lead to the mouth of Cat Fish Creek emptying into Lake Erie, and from the above mentioned part or place of the aforesaid River La Tranche following the south course to the mouth of the said Cat Fish Creek; thence down Lake Erie to the lands heretofore purchased from the Nation of Messissague Indians; and from thence along the said purchase to Lake Ontario at the place of beginning as above mentioned, together with the woods, ways, paths, waters, watercourses, and appurtenances to the said tract or parcel of land belonging. To have and to hold unto Our said Sovereign Lord the King, His Heirs and Successors for ever, as in and by the said Indenture will more fully and at large appear.
And whereas at the time of executing the said Indenture the boundaries of the said parcel of land were on one side described by an imaginary line running from the small Lake Washquarter in a north-west course until it strikes the river, but from an actual survey it has been discovered that a line from the said Lake Washquarter carried on a north-westerly course will not strike that sake River La Tranche.
And whereas it is necessary and expedient that the boundary lines of the said parcel of land should be ore accurately laid down and described.
NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, and the said Wabakyne, Wabanip, Kautabus, Wabaniship and Mottotow do hereby acknowledge and declare that the true nd real description of the said tractor parcel of land so bargained, sold, aliened and transferred by and to the parties aforesaid is all that tract or parcel of land lying and being between the lake Ontario and Erie beginning at Lake Ontario four miles southwesterly from the point opposite to Niagara fort known by the name of Messisague Point and running from thence along the said lake to the creek that falls from a small lake known by the name of Washquarter into the said Lake Ontario, and from thence north forty-five degrees, west fifty-miles; thence south forty-five degrees, west twenty-miles; and thence south until it strikes the River La Tranche; then down the stream of the said river to that part or place where a due south course will lead part of place of the aforesaid River La Tranche following the south course to the mouth of the said Catfish Creek; thence down Lake Erie to the lands heretofore purchased from the said nation of Messissague Indians; and from thence along the said purchase to Lake Ontario at the place of beginning as above mentioned, together belonging. And therefore the said Wabakanynem, Wabanip, Kautabus, Wabaniship and Mattotow for and in consideration of the said sum so advanced as aforesaid and for the further consideration of five shillings of lawful money of Great Britain to them the said Wabakanyne, Wabanip, Kautabus and Mattotow in hand duly paid at and before the sealing and delivering of these presents and for the better ratifying and confirming of the heretofore recited Indenture have granted, bargained, sold, and confirm and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and confirm to His Brittannick Majesty, His heirs and successors, all that tract or parcel of land lying and being between the Lakes Ontario and Erie, beginning at Lake Ontario four miles south-westerly from the point opposite to Niagara fort, known by the name of Messissague Point, and running from thence along he said lake to the creek that falls from a small lakes known by the name of Washquarter into the said Lake Ontario; and from thence north forty-five degrees west twenty-miles; and thence south until it strikes the River La Tranche; then down the stream of the said river to that part or place where a due south course to the mouth of the said Catfish Creek; thence down Lake Erie to eh lands heretofore purchased from the Nation of Messissague Indians; and from thence along the said purchase to Lake Ontario at the place beginning as above mentioned, together with all the woods, ways, paths, waters, water courses and appurtenances thereunto belonging.
To have and to hold all and singular the said tract or parcel of land with is appurtenances until His Brittanick Majesty, His heirs and successors forever.
And whereas at a conference held by John Collins and William R. Crawford, Esqrs., with the principal Chiefs of the Messissague Nation, Mr. John Russeau, Interpreter, it was unanimously agreed that he King should have a right to make roads thro' the Messissague Country that the navigation of the said rivers and lakes should be open and free for His vessels and those of His subjects, that he King's subjects should carry a free trade unmolested, in and thro' the country: Now this Indenture doth hereby ratify and confirm the said conference and agreement so had between the parties aforesaid, giving and granting His said Majesty a power and right to make roads thro' the said Messissague Country together with the navigation of the said rivers and lakes for His vessels and those of His subjects trading thereon free and unmolested.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the chiefs on the part of the Messissague Nation and His Excellency John Graves Simcoe, Esqr., Lieutenant Governor of the said Province, &c., &c., &c., on the part of His Brittanick Majesty have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written in the presence of
WABAKANYNE, (totem) [L.S.]
WABANIP, (totem) [L.S.]
KAUTABUS, (totem) [L.S.]
WABANINSHIP, (totem) [L.S.]
MATTOTOW, (totem) [L.S.]


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