Niagara Treaty of 1781 No. 381
Copy of a copy
To all Persons whom these presents may Concern; We the sachems and Chiefs of the Chippeweighs & Missasagas inhabiting at and near Wegh-queta, at the head of Lake Ontario in the vicinity of Niagara, on behalf of ourselves and all our people here convened by Colonel Guy Johnson, His Majesty's sole agent and Superintendent of the Six united Nations of Indian and their Confederates, send greeting – Whereas the Chiefs of the Six Nations & several of our then Chiefs, did in the month of August in the year one thousand seven hundred and sixty four, at this place, in the presence and at the desire of Sir William Johnson Bart. deceased, Our late superintendent, enter into a treaty for the ceding to His Majesty King George the third, a certain tract of land on the West side of the Straits leading form Lake Erie to lake Ontario, which cession was not then fully arranged and finally executed by us, and whereas we have now been summoned to attend at this place to make and perfect a cession of the same, and of such other lands, as have been required by Colonel Johnson to be ceded to the King, agreeable to orders received for that purpose, all which we have had fully explained to us by the said Colonel Johnson, and have duly considered the same – Now THEREFORE Know Ye, That we the said Sachems and Chiefs of the before mentioned Nations, all well through our own Zeal Loyalty and attachment to His Majesty as in consideration of a handsome present to, us made by our said Superintendent Colonel Johnson in the part and on behalf of his said Majesty, the receipt whereof we do acknowledge; We the said Indians have four ourselves, Heirs and Successors, granted, bargained, sold, released and confirmed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, release and confirm to our said Sovereign Lord King George the third, All that certain Tract of land situated on the West side of the said Strait or River, leading from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario, Beginning at a large white oak tree, forked six feet from the ground, on the bank of the said Lake Ontario, at the distance of four English miles measured in a straight line, from the West side of the bank of the said Straight, opposite to the Fort Niagara and extending from thence by a Southerly course to the Chipeweigh River, at the distance of four miles on a direct line from where the said River falls into the said strait about the great Fall of Niagara. or such a line as will pass at four miles West of the said Fall in its course to the said River and running from thence by a Southeasterly course to the Northern Bank of Lake Erie at the distance of four miles on a straight line, Westerly from the Post called Fort Erie, thence Easterly along the said Lake by the said Post, and Northerly up the West side of the said strait to the said lake Ontario, thence Westerly to the place of beginning; together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining, and also all our estate Right, Title, property, possession, claim or demand in law or equity in or to the same or any part thereof. To released and confirmed and aforesaid with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto our said Sovereign Lord King George the Third. His heirs and successors and to and for his and their own proper use & behoof forever. – In Witness whereof we the Chiefs of the said Chipeweighs & Missisagas have hereunto set our marks and seals the ninth day of May One thousand seven hundred and eight-one. in the twenty first year of His Majesty's reign.
The mark of Nanibizure a Chipeweigh Swan [L.S.]
The mark of Paghquan a Missisaga Bear [L.S.]
The mark of Wabicanine a Missisaga Eagle [L.S.]
The mark of Minaghquat a Missisaga Duck [L.S.]
Sealed and delivered in the presence of
(The word (have) between the 7th & 8th lines, and the word (all) between the 18th & 19th lines, being first interlined,) as also the following words between the 15 & 16 Lines, Viz. or such a line as will pass at four miles West of the said Fall, in its course to said River.
ANDREW PARKE, Capt. in the King's or 8th Regt.
WM. POTTS Capt. in the King's or 8th Regt.
JOHN DEASE–depy. Agent of Indian Affairs.
ALEXR. MCKEE Depy. Agent of Indian Affairs.
I certify that the above Instrument was fully explained to the Indians, and executed in my presence, and a consideration, amounting to about 300 suits of clothing given to them.
(sgd) G. JOHNSON. Col. & Superintendent
Copied from an Original in the Council of Office.
9th May, 1781–
Furnished by Dept of Crown Lands Toronto, under cover of letter of the 21st of Oct. 1896 File 175,258.
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