DOCUMENTS - Treaties - Penetanguishene Treaty No. 5

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Penetanguishene Treaty No. 5

To all whom these may come, – GREETING:
Whereas the Chiefs, Warriors and people of the Chippeway tribe or Nation of Indians, being desirous, for certain considerations hereinafter shown, of selling and disposing of a certain tract of land lying near the lake Huron or butting and bounding thereon called the Harbour of Penetangushene, to His Britannic Majesty king George the Third Our Great Father: Now know ye that We the Chiefs, Warriors and People of the Chippeway tribe or Nation for and in consideration of one hundred and one pounds, Quebec Currency to us paid or in value given, the receipt whereof we hereby acknowledge to have give, granted, sold, disposed of and confirmed, and by these presents do give, grant , sell, dispose of and confirm for ever unto His Britannic Majesty King George the Third, all that tract or space containing land and water, or parcel of ground covered with water, be the same land or water or both lying and being near or upon the Lake Huron, called Penetangushene, and butted and bounded as follow:– Beginning at the head or South-Westernmost angle of a bay situated above certain French ruins, now lying on the east side of a small strait leading from the said bay into a larger Bay called Gloucester or Sturgeon Bay; the head or South-Westernmost angle of the said bay being called by the Indians Opetiguoyawsing; thence North 70° West to a bay of Lake Huron, called by the Indians Nottoway Sague Bay; thence following the shores of Lake Huron, according to the different courses and winding of the said Nottoway Sague Bay–Penetangushene Habour and Gloucester or Sturgeon Bay, sometimes called also Matchedash –to the place of beginning: containing all the land to the Northward of the said line running North 70° West and lying between it and the waters of Lake Huron, together with the Islands in the said Harbour of Penetangushene.
To have and to hold the said parcel or tract of land, together with all the Woods and Waters thereon lying and being unto His said Majesty King Georg the Third, His heirs and successors forever, free and clear of all claims, rights, privileges and emoluments, which we, the said Chiefs, Warriors, &c., &c., and people of the aid Chippeway tribe or nation might have before the execution of thee presents: And free and clear of any pretended which our children, descendants or posterity may hereafter make to the same: Hereby renouncing and forever absolving ourselves and our children, descendants and posterity of all title to the oil woods, and waters of the above described parcel or tract of land in favour of His said Britannic Majesty, His heirs and successors forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have for ourselves and the rest of our tribe or nation hereunto set out marks, signatures and seals this Twenty-second day of May and in the thirty-eighth year of the reign of our Great Father King George of Third: at York, in the Province aforesaid, having first heard this instrument openly read and rehearsed in our own language and fully approved by ourselves and our Nation.
In the presence:
WILL. WILLCOCKS, Commissioner on behalf of the Province.
ALEX. BURNS} Commissioners on behalf of the Province.
SAM. SMITH, Major.
J.S. RANGERS, Lieut. 24th Regt.
J. GIVINS, Agent of Indians
W. JOHNSON CHEW, Indian Department.
W. CLAUS, Supt. I, A., on behalf of the Crown [L.S.]
CHABONDASHEA, (totem) [L.S.]
AASANCE, (totem) [L.S.]
WABENENGUAN, (totem) [L.S.]
NINGAWSON, (totem) [L.S.]
To this Instrument is also annexed a plan of the lands and Harbour purchased, and a Schedule of the goods given in purchase of the same.
WILL. WILLCOCKS, Commissioner on behalf of the Province.
ALEX. BURNS} Commissioners on behalf of the Province.
SAM. SMITH, Major.
J. GIVINS, Agent of Indians
W. JOHNSON CHEW, Indian Department.
D.V. SMITH, Acting Superintendent General.
W. CLAUS, Superintendent Indian Affairs, on behalf of the Crown [L.S.]
CHABONDASHEA, (totem) [L.S.]
AASANCE, (totem) [L.S.]
WABENENGUAN, (totem) [L.S.]
NINGAWSON, (totem) [L.S.]


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