DOCUMENTS - Treaties - 1725 Treaty for Annapolis Royal Ratification
Treaty of 1725 for Ratification at Annapolis Royal
Articles of Submission & Agreements made at Boston in New England by Sanguaarum alias Loron, Arexus Francois Xavier and Meganumbe Delegates from Penobscott Naudgevaek S. Johns Cape Sables and Other Tribes Inhabiting within His Majesties Territories of Nova Scotia and New England __________
Whereas His Majesties King George by Concession of the Most Christian King made at the Treaty of Utrecht became the Rightfull Possessor of the Province of Nova Scotia or Acadie according to its antient Boundaries We the said "Indians Sanguaarum alias Loron Arexus Francois Xavier and Meganumbe Delegates from the said Tribes Penobscott Naudgewaek St. Johns Cape Sables and other tribes Inhabiting His Majesties and Territories in Nova Scotia or Acadie and New England in the name and behalf of the said Tribes We Represent Acknowledge His Said Majesty King George's Jurisdiction and Dominion over the said Territories of Nova Scotia or Acadie and make our Submission to his said Majesty in as ample a Manner as We have formerly done to his most Christian Kings __________
And We further promise on behalf of the said Tribes We represent That the Indians
shall not Molest any of His Majesties subjects or their Dependents and their Settlements already made or Lawfully to be made or in their Carrying on their Traffick or their affairs Within the said Province __________
That if there Happens any Robbery or outrage Committed by any of the Indians The Tribe or Tribes they belong to shall cause Satisfaction and Restitution to be made to the Parties Injured __________
That the Indians shall not help to convey away any Soldiers belonging to his Majesties forts but on the Contrary shall bring back any Soldiers they shall find Endeavouring to Run away __________
That in the case of any Misunderstanding Quarrel or Injury between the English and the Indians no private Revenge shall be taken, but Application shall be made to Redress according to his Majesties Laws __________
That if the Indians have made any Prisoners belonging to the Government of Nova Scotia or Acadie during the Course of the War shall be Released at or before the Ratification of this Treaty __________
That This Treaty shall be Ratified at Annapolis Royal ___________
Dated at the Council Chamber in Boston in New England this fifteenth day of December Anno Domini one Thousand seven hundred and Twenty-five, Annog: Requi Regis Georgu Magna Britannica & Duo decimo __________ |
Signed Sealed & Delivered in the presence of the Great & General Court or Assembly of the Province of Massachusetts Bay
Attest'd J. Williard Sec. |
Sanguaarum alias Loron
Francois Xavier
Meganumbe |
Transcript is from W. E. Daugherty, Maritime Indian treaties in historical perspective (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, 1981); Treaty No. 239 in their numbered treaty series.
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