Treaty No. 8
To all to whom these presents may come, GREETINGS: WHEREAS we the Principal Chiefs, Warriors and People of the Mississague Nation of Indians being desirous for a certain consideration hereinafter mentioned of selling and disposing of a certain parcel or tract of Land, situate, lying and being at the head of Lake Ontario( as surveyed by Mr. Augustus Jones, Deputy Provincial Surveyor) unto His Britannic Majesty King George the Third, our Great Father. Now know ye, that we the said Principal Chiefs, Warriors and People of the Mississague Nation for an in consideration of the sum of seventy-five pounds two shillings and sixpence Quebec Currency value in goods estimated according to the Montreal price, now delivered to us, the receipt whereof we hereby acknowledge, Have given, granted, sold, disposed of and confirmed and by these presents do give, grant, sell, dispose o and confirm forever, unto William Clause, Esq., Superintendent of Indian Affairs, on behalf of his said Britannic Majesty King George the Third, his heirs and successors all that parcel of tract of land situate and lying as aforesaid. Beginning on the North Bank of Burlington Bay in the limit between the lands heretofore purchased from the Mississagues and the lands intended to be purchased from the Mississagues for Capt. Joseph Brant, that being the south-eastern angle of the Township of Flamborough east, then north forty-five degrees west along forty-five degrees east one hundred and twenty-chains more or less; then north forty-five degrees east to the mouth of a small creek (which empties itself into Lake Ontario) called by the Indians Lamabinicon; then westerly along the shore of Lake Ontario to where the Sandy Beach (otherwise called the north neck) joins to the mainland; then along to eastern shore of the said Beach to the outlet from the Little Lake or Burlington Bay as aforesaid; and then north forty-five degrees west to the place of beginning, containing three thousand four hundred and fifty acres may there be more or less. To have and to hold the said parcel of tract of land together with all the woods and waters thereon situate lying and being to the said William Claus, Esq., Superintendent of Indiand Affairs, for and on behalf of His said Britannic Majesty King George the Third, His heirs and successors forever, free and clear of and from all claims,, rights, privileges or emoluments which we the said Chiefs, Warriors and people of the Mississague Nation might have before the execution of these presents and free and clear of any pretended claim which our children or descendants may hereafter make to the same. Hereby renouncing and forever absolving ourselves our children descendants and posterity of all titles to the said parcel of tract of land, the soil, woods and waters thereof in favour of the said William Claus, Esq., Superintendent of Indian Affairs, for and on behalf of His said Britannic Majesty, His heirs and successors forever.
In Witness Whereof we have for ourselves and the rest of our nation, hereunto set our respective marks and seals this twenty-first day of August in the thirty-seventh year of the reign of the King George the third. Having first heard this instrument openly read and rehearsed in our own language and fully approved by ourselves and our Nation, and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven.
Present at the execution and delivery of this instrument and Witnesses thereto,
GEORGE CHISHOLM} Commissioners on behalf of the Province of Upper Canada.
JOHN BRONHEAD, Lieut. 24th Regt.
W. JOHNSON CHEW, Indn. Dept.
W. CLAUS, Supt. I, A., on behalf of the Crown [L.S.]
WABANIP, (totem) [L.S.]
QUANIBBENON, (totem) [L.S.]
POTAQUAN, (totem) [L.S.]
OKEMABENASSE, (totem) [L.S.]
WABANOSEPH, (totem) [L.S.]
TABANDON, (totem) [L.S.]
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